love that poem in salome, sharon. you do have a way with words.
i'm glad that kate's fine and her tooth, too!
i simply adore that pinkish barbie dress — i've got a barbie, too. she has only one set of clothing. **nudgenudgewinkwink**
and oh my, those raspberries are so strange. the ones we've got here are either black or scarlet. i've never seen yellow ones before. are they sweet? the italian ones are more sour than sweet.
Arlene - What?! A Barbie with only one outfit! That must be rectified immediately. : )
We'd never seen the yellow raspberries before, either, but boy were they ever good. The variety is called Anne. Soooooo sweet. Kate was picking and picking them, but none of hers were making it into the bucket. She just couldn't stop eating them.
the poem is simply amazing-- i liked the reader comments, too! i took it a bit more *racily* i think...
glad to hear about the tooth-- i've such a morbid fear of losing one! obviously this kate's a tough chick. and oh, i envy the lucky girls who get handmade knittery.
your wintry cave sounds fabulous-- what time's tea?
Wonderful again. I wanted to come over and say thanks for the birthday gift. It was so appreciated. I am featuring your gift and your blog today. I'm hoping you get some visitors and commenters. They will lvoe your poetry, thoughts, stories and knitting. I do.
love that poem in salome, sharon. you do have a way with words.
i'm glad that kate's fine and her tooth, too!
i simply adore that pinkish barbie dress — i've got a barbie, too. she has only one set of clothing. **nudgenudgewinkwink**
and oh my, those raspberries are so strange. the ones we've got here are either black or scarlet. i've never seen yellow ones before. are they sweet? the italian ones are more sour than sweet.
Arlene - What?! A Barbie with only one outfit! That must be rectified immediately. : )
We'd never seen the yellow raspberries before, either, but boy were they ever good. The variety is called Anne. Soooooo sweet. Kate was picking and picking them, but none of hers were making it into the bucket. She just couldn't stop eating them.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my poem!
the poem is simply amazing-- i liked the reader comments, too! i took it a bit more *racily* i think...
glad to hear about the tooth-- i've such a morbid fear of losing one! obviously this kate's a tough chick. and oh, i envy the lucky girls who get handmade knittery.
your wintry cave sounds fabulous-- what time's tea?
Wonderful again. I wanted to come over and say thanks for the birthday gift. It was so appreciated. I am featuring your gift and your blog today. I'm hoping you get some visitors and commenters. They will lvoe your poetry, thoughts, stories and knitting. I do.
Nicole - Thanks for stopping by! We must think alike, because I take it to be rather racy myself.
The view from the cave is lovely right now, with bright yellow and red leaves flying past on the wind. I'll put a kettle on...
Easywriter, THANK YOU!! I'm delighted to be featured, but more importantly, I'm glad you had such a fantastic birthday.
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