Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First day of school and six things

It's the first day of school! Emma is officially a Second Grader and she is soooo excited. I don't know how she's going to manage her backpack, it's so loaded with school supplies, but she insists on riding the bus rather than having me take her. Kate starts preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays next week. It's going to be awfully quiet around here.

Michi has tagged me to reveal six things you may not have known about me

1. When I was 11 my family hiked into the Grand Canyon on the North Kaibab Trail. It was 14 miles from the rim to the Bright Angel Campground on the river where we spent the night. We made the trip down in one long grueling day and were too tired to eat after we set up camp. The trip back up took two days, which was still hard but not quite as crazy. I distinctly remember the taste of cool spring water from the metal canteens we carried as the best drink I've ever had.

2. I have never had a broken bone.

3. In college I sometimes skipped class to take a drive in the country, visit the mountains or desert, or go hiking in a local park. I've even lured my husband away from work a few times to play hooky with me. I don't regret it.

4. I was born on Mother's Day.

5. I hate snakes. One summer I worked on an archaeological survey of the Gila River Indian Community, walking from pre-dawn to early afternoon through desert scrub and farmland. There had been unusually heavy rains that spring which caused major flooding of the Gila River and washed tons of rattlesnakes downstream from the mountains. We encountered anywhere from 6 to more than 20 rattlers per day, often coiled up in the sun right where we were walking. I once looked down just in time to step over a snake in my path. It never moved, but I sure beat it out of there.

6. When I meet Dennis at field school it was love at first sight, but I thought he was quite older than me and he thought I was much younger than him. We're the same age.


michi said...

ah! great to read your six things, sharon!

the little story here explains why you said you cannot stand snakes. ugh.

i've never broken a bone either. :)


Patry Francis said...

An interesting list, especially #6. Love at first sight is such an amazing (and very real) thing.

Sharon Hurlbut said...

Michi - thanks for tagging me. It was hard coming up with six things; I'm not exactly a woman of mystery. We must have good bones!

Patry - thanks! I don't think I really believed in love at first sight until it happened to me. The funny this was that we were both skirting around it because we thought there was such an age difference.

SarahJane said...

enjoyed reading your six things, sharon. funny thing about the age, though in the photo above you do look about seventeen. smile

Sharon Hurlbut said...

Thanks Sarah!! You're sweet (17! )