Saturday, April 30, 2005

Bluegrass Fog

Bluegrass Fog

There’s music in the fog tonight.

From the creek it curls up the hollow
like a soft blanket pulled over a sleeping child.

There’s music in the fog tonight.

Step out on the porch and kiss this dew,
folded into the embrace of strum and pluck.

There’s music in the fog tonight.

Stars dimple one by one in softening air
that sings the lilted rhythm of remorse.

There’s music in the fog tonight.

Unseemly shapes clump and throb
in the mist. Ghosts of sunnier days.

There’s music in the fog tonight.

It comes high and thin, fast and sweet,
sweeping over us as mandolin tears fall on tin roofs.

There’s music in the fog tonight.


Bev Jackson said...

This is just lovely! Excellent!

Sharon Hurlbut said...

Thanks Bev!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could write poetry like this.

Sharon Hurlbut said...

Thank you, Debra.