1. A Cloud Takes All Away
2. A Child that Knows Poems
3. Belated Love Song for Dinosaurs
4. Building Absence
5. Leonardo Improves the Story
6. Dear W–
7. The Obloquy of Crows
8. Nearer the Goal
9. Through a Glass, Darkly
10. With One Piece of Your Heart
11. We Cannot Conceive of an Undreamt Thing
12. No Remedy for Love
13. wall me up alive in my own body
14. Irrational Obligations
15. Heracles Pauses on the Road to Delphi
16. Ode to a Haymaker
17. Desire of Dead Things
18. Survey Report before Demolition
19. With a Heart for Any Fate
20. He doctors his accounts. It takes him days (sonnenizio on a line from Juster)
21. Breakup with Fishbowl and Unlight
22. A Certain Semblance of Shadow
23. Like God after the Flood
24. Hardware Store (found poem)
25. In This Town I Can't Get Arrested
26. Song for the Artist
27. Captain Von Trapp Exorcises the Past
28. Prayer for the Blank Page
29. mise en scene
30. I Go Running Down Your Street