Wednesday, May 18, 2005



They say hellfire hungers
for fuel, for those who will not follow.
So cremate my breathing body.
Stir the ashes into a soup
served up to the faithful
in soft, felted footsteps
of purple and tangerine.
I will raise a fist, flip a finger.
I want to stick in their throats
because I am too slick to swallow,
because their belief is blinding
me with honey smiles
and hands laid in numinous touch.
Burn away my body
and make my breath
an eternal flame
of unbelief.


Bev Jackson said...

Hear! Hear! Love this and echo the sentiment!!!

Katie said...

Is this you, Sharon? It's excellent!

Sharon Hurlbut said...

Thanks Bev! Some days I feel just a bit angry at having things shoved in my face. In Arizona, I went so far as to make a sign that read 'No Proselytizing' and putting it by my front door. Of course, most of those to whom it applied didn't know the meaning of the word.

Sharon Hurlbut said...

Yep, this one's mine, Katie. Thank you!