Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Knitting Olympics Update

I'm well on the way with my first-ever sweater. It's a very simple pattern, made up of two panels (one multicolor, one solid) sewn together to form the front, two panels for the back, and the sleeves. I took this picture on Sunday night and finished that second panel shortly afterward. I'm now nearly done with the first of the solid color panels.

Even taking into account blocking and sewing it all together (HELP! I could really use some tips and guidance on sewing the seams together), this is clearly not going to take 16 days to complete. Therefore, I've decided to add another sweater to my Olympic project. It will be the same, only smaller and possibly different yarn, for my younger daughter.

Check out Flash Bang Fibers for a list of the USA Team First Sweater participants and continued updates on everyone's progress.

Knit On!


Stephanie said...


I've been thinking of taking up knitting again. It seems so satisfying.

Harriet said...

Sharon, I bought a blocking pad (and rust-free pins) from Jo-Ann's that you can borrow when the time comes - I have finished John's sweater and blocked it last night. I'll show you how I join seams if you like, too! My blocking pad is 60" long, so plenty for your project. I'll finish sewing up John's sweater this evening, so I will actually be able to give it to him on Valentine's Day :-)

Sharon Hurlbut said...

Hi Stephanie! It IS satisfying, and incredibly relaxing too. I find it's a great compliment to writing, a way to turn my energy in another direction while letting my mind mull things over.

Harriet - Wow, that's awesome that you finished it, got it blocked, and everything! I bet John loved it. I may very well want to borrow your blocking pad (though Dennis is eager to buy me one of my own), and I'll definitely need some help with the seams. Thanks!

Amy said...

Wow! It's looking good.

As far as seaming goes, mattress stitch is incredibly easy and makes a nearly invisible seam. The videos at knitting help are really helpful with this.


Sharon Hurlbut said...

Thanks Amy! The videos look like a great help.